"Your first breath took ours away"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where have I been?

And where did my baby go?  I haven't been a very good blogger lately but I just can't seem to find the time.  The little man is all over the place now and rarely takes a decent nap so he keeps me pretty busy during the day and I am just exhausted at night.

We have our first beach trip this weekend and I can't wait!  The water will be too cold but I'm excited to see what Weston does with the sand. 

We also went to MI a couple of weekends ago which meant Weston's first plane ride.  He did exceptionally well with the plane.  Getting back on schedule once we were home...that's a different story.

First Plane Ride:

In other news...Weston is pulling up on everything and anything.  In fact, we were at a play date in the park and he tried pulling up on a 5 month old little girl!  Luckily her mom and I have become pretty good friends and she just laughed when I stopped him.

He also now has 4 teeth!  The top two teeth came in at the exact same time.  I miss the gummy smile but his teeth are so cute (unless he trying to bite me).

My new favorite hoodie:
Mother's Day:
One of my new favorite pics:
I have so much to update but I just don't have the energy or patience right now.  Hopefully I will get back into blogging more often.  Of course, with the trip this weekend, I won't have time again.

I do want to talk about something that has really had a profound effect on me.  A friend had to give birth to her twin babies early after a long, difficult road.  The babies, a boy and girl, were born just shy of 30 weeks.  Her baby girl passed away shortly after. 
I cannot imagine what she must be going through.  A loss like that is beyond sad, it is tragic and no one should ever have to experience such a thing.  I found that I have held my little boy a little tighter lately and have cherished our time together a little more.  Please keep my friend and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she grieves the loss of her daughter and fights for her son's life.  My heart is broken for her and her family and I haven't stopped thinking of them.

I read this quote shortly after my miscarriage, and it has stuck with me.

An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth,
Then whispered as she closed the book,
"Too beautiful for Earth"

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