At first, I thought it was just the dreaded 4 month wakeful or more teething. I figured out though that it was neither of those things, instead it was that little piece of plastic that has been such a comfort for both Weston and me.
I realized that he was waking because the pacifier fell out and he didn't understand that he could just put it back in his mouth. This prompted a screaming episode that required me to get out of bed and reinsert the pacifier for him, pat his back, and shush him until he went back to sleep...until it happened again within the hour.
So yesterday, I began the monumental task of weaning from the pacifier. The naps went pretty well. I put him down, patted his back, shushed him, and walked away. I had to repeat the process a few times but he finally fell asleep and took nice long naps each time.
Putting him down for bed went extremely well but he does nurse right before he goes down so he is sort of half-way there anyway. That is the only time he nurses before sleep but that's off-topic.
The problem happened around 1 am when he woke up wanting the pacifier. I was in and out of his room more times than I can count until I finally won the battle, or so I thought. He was suddenly silent so I tip-toed into his room and peeked over the crib rail to find a peacefully sleeping baby...with a pacifier in his mouth.
I'm not sure how I missed it but I must have left one in his crib and he found it. I was too worn out to remove it so I let him be until the next waking.
Once again, naps have been going well all day today and I made sure I removed all of the pacifiers from the crib this time. Hopefully we will have a good night tonight.
In other news, I introduced Weston to his new bathtub
Next we had some fun IN the tub.
And then we played a little with the camera.
I have been experimenting a bit in the kitchen lately. I think Mike is getting a little spoiled with having a different dish almost every day! Oh well, we'll see how long that lasts. I did try Chocolate Banana Souffles that I'm not so sure he liked. He said he did but I could tell it wasn't his favorite. Part of that was the strong banana flavor and the other part was probably because it was a healthy version. I thought it was ok but I'm not sure I will make it again. I just had some bananas that needed to be used and found that recipe. (I will say I substituted Splenda for the sugar)
Well, it's time to go find a way to make pasta interesting.
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