"Your first breath took ours away"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


For some reason, I have been obsessed with finding someone from my past.  This person was a very good friend of mine when I was younger.  We spent almost every single day together after school and were almost inseparable.  She was my best friend; until she moved away. 

I cannot for the life of me remember her last name though (some friend I am, huh?).  I have a horrible memory and have always had a hard time with details from my past.  This is bugging me so much right now though.  All I want to do is find her so I can reconnect with her.

Hopefully my mom was able to save an old yearbook or something from that time so that I can look her up.

Speaking of my past, I am so sad that one of my old schools closed.  It was the Catholic school that I attended for quite a few years (kindergarten to 6th grade I believe).  I had heard it was closing a few years ago but I found some articles about it during my search for my long-lost friend.

I can't believe how nostalgic I have become.  I found some pictures that someone posted on Facebook of the school and it brought back so many memories (parts that I can remember anyway).  Wow, I can't believe how much time has passed and how far I have come.

Blast from the Past

My old school ~

And one of me ~

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