"Your first breath took ours away"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is that?

I'm almost scared to say it out loud but I actually feel happy.  Like, really happy.  All my life, whenever I thought things were starting to go right, something happened.  I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop but today, today I feel happy.  I have a wonderful husband that works really hard for his family, I have a gorgeous son that is smarter than anyone knows and who holds the key to my heart, things have been falling into place with the possible move back "home", and I have the best job in the whole world, my dream job really!

There, I said it.  Now, I'm going to lay low for a little while and hope for the best.

So, strange happenings lately, huh?  A major earthquake on the east coast?! A major hurricane heading up the east coast?! My FIL taking me on a shopping spree?!?!?!

That's right, in the eight years we have been together, my FIL had never really bought anything for me.  Don't get me wrong, it really didn't bother me, I actually didn't even think about it.  Whenever he visited, we went out to nice dinners and did nice things so I guess I can't "really" say that he never bought me anything but he never bought me an item for say my birthday, Christmas, etc.

So he came to visit us this past weekend and all of a sudden he said he wanted to go to the outlets and buy some stuff for me.  I was a bit shocked at first and didn't know what to say!  I will admit, I had a hard time getting into it but only because I felt so strange about it.  We first got me a shirt and I asked if that was it.  LOL.  Mike told me to keep going.  I got two shirts, a sweater, a pair of pants, and a shirt dress.  It was really sweet of him to do that and it was really nice to be pampered for a little while.

It was also a lot of fun watching him with Weston.  He is completely enamored with him.  I love seeing people with Weston.  He is so loved.

So back to the earthquake.  Did you feel it?  It freaked me out when I realized what it was.  At first, it was really soft and only made our display cabinet move.  I thought Lizzie (the cat) was messing with it so I yelled at her.  Then I realized she wasn't anywhere around it.  At that moment things really started moving!  I grabbed Weston and ran to our door to stand in the doorway.  Next, I grabbed the keys and booked it outside since I don't fully trust our building.  It was over in less than a minute but my heart was racing for a while after that.  I came back in to a things on the floor from shelves and in the kitchen but nothing broken or damaged.  That was so strange though.

And now, we wait to see what Irene has planned.

Other than shopping and standing in doorways, I have been busy with the rest of Weston's Birthday plans.  We have the restaurant booked, the decorations done, the candy buffet ready, the invitations ready.  I have about half of the sock monkeys done but still have a lot to do there.  I'm so excited for Weston's pictures this Saturday!

Weston update!
We officially have a walker!  He took 4 steps on his own today (after I had to stop him from messing with the Wii) and then kept doing it while we were on Skype with Mike!  He was having so much fun.  He also started giving high fives!  He also had his first glass of whole cow's milk.  It made me a little sad but he really enjoyed it. The kid loves trying new things which I'm so grateful for

Nine times out of ten, you will find Weston with something in his mouth.  He walks with stuff, crawls with stuff.  I'm not sure where he got that from but it's "his" thing.  Don't mind the avocado on his outfit.

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