"Your first breath took ours away"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

6 month picture is up!

I updated Weston's Watch Me Grow page (link above) with his new picture and stats.

My little boy has really turned into a little boy.  He dropped down to the 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height.  I never expected him to be tall since neither of his parents were really blessed in the tall genes.  Time will tell where he will end up though.

He has decided that he wants to be a thumb sucker.

It's cute, for now, but how in the world do you take a thumb away?!?  That will be fun, I'm sure.

He also started saying mamamamama the day he turned 6 months but has decided that it is not nearly as cool as dadadada which is what he says all the time now.  Seriously, I was so excited when he was saying mama and now he won't say it at all.  Silly boy.

We have also officially moved from his infant tub to his ducky tub.  He had a blast in it today!

Yesterday was gorgeous outside so we took advantage and laid a blanket on the grass and played for a bit.

Today was not so nice so we played inside until the rain cleared up enough to go for a run.

Dinner tonight:
Cilantro-Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa (no cilantro tonight though because we were out)
Broccoli and cheese rice

1 comment:

  1. He's getting so big, and he is SO cute!!! I can't believe how much he has changed since he was born. You'd think I'd know since I have three kids, but it never ceases to amaze me.

    Pretty soon he'll be saying mama again, and it will be all the time!!! I think I've heard a lot of kids do this because for whatever reason, D's are easier to say.
